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简要描述:Dionex戴安-色谱柱CarboPac PA1 Analytical Column (4 X 250 mm),Ideal Column for the Separation of Neutral and Acidic Monosaccharides
品牌 | DIONEX/英国 |
The CarboPac® PA1 is an anion-exchange column for the separation of mono-, disaccharides, and specific oligosaccharides using an isocratic eluent. Sialic acid analysis has also been demonstrated on this column. •General-purpose column for isocratic determination of monosaccharides and disaccharides •Detection by pulsed amperometric detection; no derivatization needed •Approved for use in a variety of official methods for the analysis of foods The unique MicroBead™ pellicular structure of the CarboPac PA1 resin gives it stability from pH 0–14 at all concentrations of buffer salts. The pellicular resin structure allows excellent mass transfer resulting in fast gradient reequilibration. The CarboPac PA1 column is used with pulsed amperometric detection; no derivatization is required. Sensitivity on the PA1 is not as high as with the CarboPac PA20 or PA10 for monosaccharide analysis. Thus the CarboPac PA1 is well suited for the analysis of foods for nutritional labeling. The CarboPac PA1 has been approved for use in a number of official methods.