简要描述:Dionex戴安-耗材配件•CMMS 300 4 mm,CMMS-300,4MM阳离子抑制器 电解和化学抑制器通过降低淋洗液背景电导,比没有抑制器的离子色谱能显著地增加灵敏度(信噪比),戴安公司在离子色谱电导抑制器领域保持*地位,为广大范围的离子色谱应用提供三项关键抑制器技术。
品牌 | DIONEX/英国 |
High-Capacity, Solvent-Compatible, Chemically-Regenerated Suppressor The MMS 300 is a chemically-regenerated suppressor and therefore has very low noise and quick startup time. With the new Displacement Chemical Regeneration (DCR) Kit, this classic suppressor provides easier operation. MMS Suppressor advantages include: •High-capacity and solvent-compatible design capable of handling samples with complex matrices •Very low signal-to-noise and excellent baseline stability •Low method detection limits •Fast start-up and equilibration •Easy to use, maintenance-free operation with the DCR kit The MMS 300 has high capacity and can be used with all Dionex ion-exchange columns. For lowest noise and longest life, the MMS is recommended for anion and cation separations using eluents containing HPLC solvents. The MMS 300 is available in both 2- and 4 mm formats; 3 mm columns should be used with 2 mm suppressors. The MMS produces the lowest noise because it uses non-electrolytic chemical regeneration. Low noise levels translate into lower method detection limits.